Stories From Home
Stories From Home
Afreada is a literary magazine, featuring original short stories from established and emerging writers across Africa and its diaspora.
I was approached by Founding Editor Nancy Adimora to brand Afreada, as well as given the task to create their first-ever publication.
In celebration of their 5th anniversary, Afreada put the question to the followers on Twitter, 'What does home mean to you?' The responses were great and some were selected to be featured within the print.
The publication can be read in full here.
More information can be found on Afreada.com
I was approached by Founding Editor Nancy Adimora to brand Afreada, as well as given the task to create their first-ever publication.
In celebration of their 5th anniversary, Afreada put the question to the followers on Twitter, 'What does home mean to you?' The responses were great and some were selected to be featured within the print.
The publication can be read in full here.
More information can be found on Afreada.com